Hisashiburi, ne! If you were in Japan and happened to speak Japanese, you would understand that I am implying the spunky English phrase, "Long time, no see." This is especially appropriate, not only for the spunk implied, but also since I have indeed not posted for almost 3 weeks. That all ends...now.
Anyway, let me see where I left off--egads, it does truly appear that I stopped after finals. Remind me never to not write for 3 weeks again...
"Are you hungry?"
"Do I look half Japanese?"
"No, I'm lying. Are you hungry?"
Alas, I do not look half-Japanese. Alas. =D
My dad came that weekend, so after I got back from the weekend trip, I met my dad for the first time since I left, so 3 and a half months. To put it plain and si
mply--it was really great to see my dad.
There were 3 days of school left that week before we got to break, so Dad came to school on Monday for half of the day--meaning he saw my Japanese class for 2 hours and came to Chemistry. I have to give him credit for not going crazy that day, si
nce it
was obviously not too interesting because it was all in Japanese, but at least it was only a half day. I show-and-tell-ed my dad to my homeroom class--it was as chaotic as my first day. All my
classmates were screaming "cho-kakkoi!" aka "super-cool." My dad IS super-cool, thank you very much.
After a few day in Tokyo, during which we did the school visit and went out to dinner with my host family, my dad,
Natsu, and I went to Nagano and Hakuba to ski, but also to see nihon saru = super-duper-uber cute Japanese snow monkeys!
I told my host family about our plans to see snow monkeys, and they all didn't believe that there were any where we were going. I don't think Natsu believed me up until we actually saw them.
("But they're real! I promise! The monkeys are real! I've SEEN them! I PROMISE!")
The monkeys were in a special monkey park, and had their own little monkey onsen, and us eager tourists could come right up to them. I took about a BAZILLION and a half pictures of them, because they were cute.
They were so cute that it didn't matter that there was monkey poop everywhere--
that's how cute they were. Awwwwwwww.
After the monkeys, we went skiing the next few days. Dad and his executive power decided that we were all going to have
a half-day of skiing lessons so that we didn't kill anyone on the slopes by accident (which I don't and didn't think was
such a bad idea--the lessons part, that is--accidental death by bunny skier is bad.) We somehow ended up getting lessons from a New Zealander named Dan who also spoke Japanese pretty well
(Englishese? Japanenglish? Reasonably accurate Japanese with random English
thrown in as needed), so everyone understood. Dan definitely defined the term "saucy chap" because he was really funny, unfortunately unsually at Dad's expense--however, he (Dad) had a good sense of humour about it,
so no harm done I guess...but for example, Dan was more than liable to say something to the effect,
"Looks like Papa Smurf has taken yet another fall." Nevertheless, Dan was really cool, and I guess we weren't that bad--he taught us, among other things, how to ski backwards and do
a 360 degree spin. Kakkoi!
After skiing, Natsu went back home, but Dad and I,
instead of going to Kyoto, like we planned, we factored in a) Dad was a little sick, b) the train expense, c) we didn't really want to go to Kyoto and decided to take a different plan of action...we canceled our Kyoto hotel
in time to not have any fatal expenses charged, and went back to Tokyo to do a lot of Christmas shopping for
my family, and just generally relax instead of pull a high-paced rushing-from-temple-to-temple touristy route. We found a cheaper hotel around the middle of Tokyo (which in and of itself was interesting--
it was "Japanese sized," according to one review, which meant for us "hearty 'Murkens," (that term did NOT come from the review), everything was a wee bit small--aka I tripped everywhere--out of the toilet, trying to change, trying to get to the bed--our luggage covered 98% of the floor space. This is where we spent Christmas...my dad videotaped our mini-celebration and gift-opening, we watched "A Charlie Brown Christmas" via YouTube and we Skyped our relatives. It was merry, and very alternative, considering that every year before know we have always been with our whole family and our grandmother comes and we eat a special Christmas meal and we have a real fake tree...but I'm glad we still had it, in that little Frodo Baggins hotel...
All good things come to an end, and as such Dad had to leave. That was pretty sad. However, I had no time to start a weep-a-thon! There was karaoke to sing! The next day, my two friends and I went to Shibuya, which is remniscent of New York, though probably safer. We did karaoke for 2 hours (speaking of marathons...), walked around the 109, which is a very trendy and ginourmous mall, and took purikura. Fun indeed.
The next holiday that is literally around the corner, and arguably a bigger deal (at least in Japan) is New Year's Day. My host family is getting ready for a special 2 day celebration with extended family and special meals--also, I am working on sending out nengajo, which are the Japanese equivalent of Christmas cards. Very big deal. In Japan, the Imperial Mail (I think) promises to deliver your cards on January first if you post it in the mail at least a week ahead of time. They often hire college students for these seasonal pressing requirements. Behold, my nengajo.
This post or the next will be the last time I write from my current host family's computer--I switch families on the 13th of January. That will be a truly sad time indeed. I have really--not only gotten along with--but truly had a great time and felt really cared for here. I really enjoy my host family and I am going to miss them a lot because we have had boundless good memories, and they have taught me SO much. They will be a really hard act to follow, so to speak, but I will be as open as possible to my next family!
Season's Greetings. Have you ever said that in conversation to someone? Heh heh. It always sounds a bit odd to me. But, I greet you now as seasonally as I can! Later, gator.
PS <-- this is my nengajo. created and copyrighted by me. no stealing! =P
PPS MWEH! I always arrange my pictures so that they are neat and orderly, but then I switch the font/size/do some other wacky stuff, and my hours of strenuous (trust me) effor go up in smoke....yahhhhhhhhh. Enough complaining, Audrey.
My dad came that weekend, so after I got back from the weekend trip, I met my dad for the first time since I left, so 3 and a half months. To put it plain and si
After a few day in Tokyo, during which we did the school visit and went out to dinner with my host family, my dad,
After the monkeys, we went skiing the next few days. Dad and his executive power decided that we were all going to have
After skiing, Natsu went back home, but Dad and I,
All good things come to an end, and as such Dad had to leave. That was pretty sad. However, I had no time to start a weep-a-thon! There was karaoke to sing! The next day, my two friends and I went to Shibuya, which is remniscent of New York, though probably safer. We did karaoke for 2 hours (speaking of marathons...), walked around the 109, which is a very trendy and ginourmous mall, and took purikura. Fun indeed.
The next holiday that is literally around the corner, and arguably a bigger deal (at least in Japan) is New Year's Day. My host family is getting ready for a special 2 day celebration with extended family and special meals--also, I am working on sending out nengajo, which are the Japanese equivalent of Christmas cards. Very big deal. In Japan, the Imperial Mail (I think) promises to deliver your cards on January first if you post it in the mail at least a week ahead of time. They often hire college students for these seasonal pressing requirements. Behold, my nengajo.
This post or the next will be the last time I write from my current host family's computer--I switch families on the 13th of January. That will be a truly sad time indeed. I have really--not only gotten along with--but truly had a great time and felt really cared for here. I really enjoy my host family and I am going to miss them a lot because we have had boundless good memories, and they have taught me SO much. They will be a really hard act to follow, so to speak, but I will be as open as possible to my next family!

PS <-- this is my nengajo. created and copyrighted by me. no stealing! =P
PPS MWEH! I always arrange my pictures so that they are neat and orderly, but then I switch the font/size/do some other wacky stuff, and my hours of strenuous (trust me) effor go up in smoke....yahhhhhhhhh. Enough complaining, Audrey.