I made it to school by myself again! But that's just the start...
I decided to flamboyantly remain within (surprisingly) the dress code, down to the socks. I won't describe it, but check the pictures if you're interested. But enough about that....
After only 2 hours of Japanese class, Kobayashi-sensei, Hiratsuka-principal, Sakurai-sensei and I went out for lunch at this random Mexican food restaurant. The interior decorating was very accurate to some of the hole-in-the-wall Mexican food places in Austn, and the food was very good, but--it wasn't Mexican food. It was Japanese food masquerading as Mexican food. No tortillas with the tacos, white rice, salsa without chips (and vice versa)...raw eggs in the tortilla chip-less overly spicy tortilla soup. But I liked it, but it felt so out of place to be eating psudeo-Mexican food in a completely Mexican-themed place. Also, I was a little anxious about going out to lunch with my program head, Japanese teacher, and principal, but it was actually really enjoyable. I had a lot of fun there talking with them and explaining the intricacies of legit Tex-Mex, as well as demonstrating the proper construction and consumption of a taco--or as close to one as we good get (after we got tortillas...).
After that, Sakurai-sensei and I bid a fond adieu to Kobayashi-sensei and Hiratsuka-san, andI had to use the restroom. This seems like a petty, non-unique action, but we went into the bathrooms at a mall, and after that, until we left the store, everything was downhill from there:
That was a true story. Back outside the department store, I tell my story to Sakurai-sensei, sending both of us into frantic hysterics, and after a little calming down on both of our parts, we rented a swan boat, which I have decided are designed to make you sore from the pedaling, which has cruelly only moved you about a foot. It was really fun, but it was not the thing for a tall skirt-wearing individual to do--I was both cramped and that close to being indecent. Horror. In this park, there was this little spring that supplies water not only to this pond, but a nearby river as well, so being the tourist I was today, I took a picture. So that's that....
Our hour was up--literally, so we went to the Ghibli Museum, which, as described briefly in the post below, is an exhibit of Miyazaki's animation. It was really cool to see it--it showed the sort of animation he used, which involved, for example, the same cylindrical picture revolving while outside of it was a paneled tube that spun quickly so everything seemed to be fluid...very hard to describe, and no pictures in the museum!
Outside, though, there was a "ticket stand" which had a Totoro inside it and a huge statue of a robot dude. I got an overpriced dust-bunny-soot-sprite as a momento, but it was nearly worth it, which is saying a lot. In regards to the picture of it, toilet is not included. It was super fun...but very hard to describe. Interesting moment--I wanted to take a picture of the button-toilet in the museum, since I didn't take one of the one in which my wild spraying incident occured, so I asked the attendant-person in Japanese...but like I said
, no pictures in the museum. Later, I asked another attendant person (male, must have freaked him out that an American girl was asking to take a picture of the outside musuem toilet--but he was really nice about it) and my wish was granted. Woot!
I made it home from there, too, so that was another accomplishment...all in all, a very good day =) But now, at the end, I am so tired and flushed. heh heh.
PS Sorry some of the pictures are sideways.
I love your story about the toilets! I think it's even funnier that you asked a museum employee if you could take a picture of the toilet.
Hilarious toilet story. It is amusing that they have a button to mask toilet sounds!
Your toilet story made me collapse into giggles! Hope all is well.
oh lordy I loved ur toilet story, it made my mom and i crack up :-) but you actually asked a museum employee if you could take a pic of the TOILET!?!?! ahh, audrey, only you could do that...meh I'm so jealous you got to go to the ghibli museum!!! well hope everything's good!!!!!
ok you make me laugh so much... such witty comments combined with HILARIOUS stories... i miss you girl!! high school is AWESOME and kudos to you for doing this whole thing - you are truly amazing!! email me when you can:
sorry about the previous comment with no name.. if you didnt catch on... its lizzy haha but really email me!! or facebook me whatever but i want to hear how you're doing... and yea... i still carry my signature look... im actually wearing my hair like it today... just for laughs...
i <3 totoros! And you ASKED the musam guy if u could take a pic of the tolits!?!?!?@#$5^l!
oh jeez...
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