Happy late Valentine's Day! I am guessing that the height of your Valentine's Day was appreciating the commercials especially targeting you at the height of your emotions on the love-filled day. I, on the other hand, had no time for commercial trifling--I was making a
mountain of chocolate to give my friends.
If my camera would work with this computer, I could show you my literal mountain of future heart disease, and then the pile I received in return. I originally intended to make 80 brownie squares (you know, 50 for the people in my homeroom, 30 for my friends from other classes--no mean feat) but accidentally, due to an unforeseen highly unavoidable error, I made 169 (and then some) squares that were brownie-turned-cookie squares. Still highly delicious, I assure you. And there were exactly 169 and then some--I know because I counted every single one; the "and then some" were the ones that failed quality square inspection, and upon a closer look, really resembled triangles, rhombuses, or Alaska. Passing over non-square-like shapes, though, I was overloaded with the ancient tradition of Valentines Day (Japanese version), which is virtually the same as everywhere else, save that a person is bound to give sweets to virtually every person they know. If they don't there is a conveniently placed day exactly a month later, called "White Day," to return the favor if you got sweets but didn't give any. Like I was saying, I was loaded down sweets, and my whole class was complaining to each other about stomach aches all day. I myself didn't over-consume, but realized that the sweets would go bad within a series of days, so responsibly took care of them within a series of hours. (Very satisfying, I assure you.)
[Don't worry, I made sure I ran off the after-effects of choco-disposal over the weekend. =P ]
Apart from that, my week wasn't so very eventful. I have final exams next week (not good...), and then in 2 weeks, my family comes to Japan! I'm looking forward to that...
If I think of anymore news, I will post it pronto. However, this week really wasn't too interesting objectively, save for, of course, Valentine's Day =D
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