Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Weekly forecast

Today = good day!
I officially have a violin teacher in Japan, who taught Moeko when she took violin there. From what I have been told, she is a graduate of a Japanese super-school for music and an amazing teacher. In Moeko's own words, "If you don't like her, there's something wrong with you." I am extremely looking forward to this, especially as I was a little scared with some stories about really harsh teachers with rulers...

Something many (by this I mean multiple) people have asked me is if / when I will start Japanese lessons, as it has come to be a consensus that I can't get prepared for Tokyo with a copy of Japanese for Dummies. fallback-contingency option (just kidding, this was definitely Plan A) is Josh and I meeting during 2 lunches a week with the Japanese teacher at school--I have heard she is a really good teacher, and she works with all the kids who have come back from Japan. I think it will start next week. I think. I suppose that's something I should get figured out.

Live from the PC, this is Audrey Wozniak. Peace out, friends.

PS I was feeling guilty, because of how similar my blog is to Adam Long's (I mean, come on--The Japan Blog, vs. The Tokyo Blog?) But you have to admit, he has the whole blog situation down.

Here, I will just quote the ancient proverb, "Copying is the ultimate compliment."


Helen said...

My mom always says that "imitation is the highest form of flattery," which invariably makes me want to scream, as it is usually related to my little brother's inability to make his own decisions. It's good you have a violin teacher. Japanese sounds hard though. I know how encouraging I am. Do you have to learn how to speak it and write it? I guess you would, wouldn't you, because you'll have to write school stuff while your there. And of course, being able to read in the language of the country you are in is always useful. And I just answered my own question, so you don't have to! Doesn't that make your day better?

Helen said...

Oh, are you taking another language too?

Anonymous said...

i really like the dragon thing!