Saturday, September 29, 2007
"It's like I'm the muffin man!" "Sugei sugei!" = a week full of magic
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Psuedo-Mexican food, toilets, paddle boats, Ghibli Museum, more toilets...
I made it home from there, too, so that was another accomplishment...all in all, a very good day =) But now, at the end, I am so tired and flushed. heh heh.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Sunday was interesting. My host parents offered to run with me at a nearby park, the one I wrote about before that is really really beautiful, and near an art museum and a concert hall. Running was fun for me, but afterwards I have decided never to let them run again; I felt so bad because afterwards, my host father hurt his leg and limped the rest of the day, and my host mother had some sort of allergic reaction from being in the sun too long. I felt really bad!
I had my first violin lesson with my new teacher, Muramatsu-sensei. She was really nice, and it was a good lesson (even for a first one!) regardless of the fact that we both only know relatively little of the other's language. Right now, I am trying to figure out what to tell her about my next concerto, since she asked what I was planning on playing after Barber. The only downside of these lessons is that I have to practice. =P
Now, Wednesday evening--today, I went to school by myself for the first time (Natsu went early to study, of course). I was a little worried, since I have to change trains and get on the right ones, etc...but it was much ado about nothing, and it was quite fine. I made to school early, which many may know is quite a feat for a Wozniak. Also, I had a Japanese test over everything I had learned up to this point. I didn't do very well...91. That sounds very perfectionist and persnickety to say that a 91 is awful, but my mistakes were really stupid, always one little detail. I'm so careless.
Tomorrow! I have only 2 hours of Japanese and then I will go for Mexican food with Sakurai-sensei, Kobayashi-sensei, and Hiratsuka-sama (heh heh), followed by Sakurai-sensei and I visiting a museum about the director Miyazaki and his animation. To get ready to visit this museum, Sakurai-sensei lent me 2 movies he directed, both of which I thought were particular となりのトトロ, which is in English "My Neighbor Totoro." This was the first time I had seen it, and I really really loved it. It is on my favorite movies of all time list...I'm very excited to go now! here's the theme I'm so obsessed. But, for another Shakespeare reference, all's well that ends well.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Tuesday, Iwasaki-sensei, the school's organist, gave me a lecture on the St. Margaret's School organ, which is huge, in case you didn't know. The bellows, which pump air into the organ, have their own separate room, but the organ itself has about the perimeter of my room at home, and is 2 stories tall...20,900 pipes...= wow. Iwasaki-sensei herself is a very very esteemed organist and she played for me, while letting me simultaneously roam around IN the organ. She was sooo nice, and at the end, she gave me her organ CD she had released and invited me to the choir concert (the choir here is amazingly good) in about 2 weeks. Overall, it was def more than worth and I was so glad I was able to do something like that! I mean, honestly, how often do you get to walk around the inside of an enormous organ while a professional is playing it? (Or even walk inside an organ at all?)
I went to dance PE with my homeroom. It was not the best day to come, because they had, yes, a test over a dance they had to memorize. It was so nerve-wracking for some of them, because 4-5 girls at a time had to get up in front of the 45 others and the teacher, all of whom were judging them, and try to remember this dance. I was a spectator the whole time, so like I said, not the best day to show...
Also: I did calligraphy with the senior 3rd graders. Only 10 people were in the class (as opposed to 50, as is more than typical) so it was very personal...the teacher was really really good at calligraphy. She started me out with really easy stuff (ichi, ni; sakura; kaba, fore example) but I quickly graduated to myself to kanji. I wrote out the kanji for cosmos flower, which is hard to do and simultaneously make look beautiful...mine ultimately ended up slightly more than decent, while the teacher's, even though it was instructional and has numbers (for stroke order) on it. I want to frame =)
Today, I had the daily 3 hours of Japanese (egads--I accidentally did way too much homework last night, over stuff I didn't technically know...) and then I had 2 hours of handbells with the senior 3rd graders...this did go against my ethics [I will admit], mainly because as a generalization, I don't appreciate handbells as true music because they sound way too cliche-barbie-fairytopia-enchantment-soundtrack-esque. Everytime I have heard handbells at some concert or another, I start laughing hysterically (I'm not joking) and disturb my surrounding audience members, who apparently see something more in handbells than I do. But, anyway--I did play handbells, which I found one takes slightly more seriously when focusing on the 2 random notes you play, since you ring the bell per case you were wondering, we're playing a Beauty and the Beast medly...I rest my handbell case, though.
Sakurai-sensei offered to take me to go to perhaps the one Mexican food restaraunt in Tokyo, an invitation I immediately accepted. Japanese food is Japanese food, so a little break in the monotony (monotony in the broadest positive terms--the food here is oishii! delicious) was readily welcome...little did I know that going to get Mexican fod this next Thursday is not only me and Sakurai-sensei, but also my Japanese teacher (Kobayashi-sensei) and principal, Hiratsuka-sama (hehheh sama...penance penance penance). Sounds like an adventure...ehhh?
In regards to the last post's title, that's something Natsu asked me randomly. It seemed fitting as a blog entry title...
Also, a random thing I have taught Natsu is the phrase "No you dih-n't." I have no idea how this came up, but it's another word in her English vocabulary. Speaking of random things...I think the students here at school think I'm crazy--I have a nasty habit of sliding down banisters and singing Japanese words randomly (tokedoke benkyoshimashta! doesn't that just seem like it should be said in a sing-song tone of voice?) and doing little dances during clean-up time, or when appropriate in conversation. I don't think that this is the exchange student that they bargained for...and speaking of dance (after this, I will be done speaking of things, no worries...
The dancers in my class want me to do their club. I have assured them that I have little dancing ability, but apparently my taking-out-the-trash dance is up to par. They have gone as far to say, "Oodoriichan means dance...your name in Japanese means dance, so you should join our club." Interesting logic, but I think I'll try--what could go that wrong? now that I've jinxed myself by writing that...
jane (no, not the name Jane, but じゃね, which means bye)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
"You want cheese?"
While the typhoon was being all wet and wild, it didn't give us (Natsu and I) much to do, so we (Natsu) studied, we (Natsu and I) ate lunch, got old by about 1:30, so I think that we both were kind of thinking the same thing (must leave house NOW). By this time, the typhoon, which incidentally caused a lot of damage but really was relatively mellow in our area, had cleared, which was good. We decided to go cycling, and Natsu brought tennis rackets, so we first went to this little park, playground, rather, and played X-treme tennis (X-treme because I'm not very good--at all), causing the ball to far too often, bid us a fond and faraway adieu. This was exceedingly fun, but as the climate of Tokyo is humid, hot, and humid, once we were properly good and sweaty, we decided it was time to adjourn to the bikes. We then went to this bigger park, which was so so so nice--there was a concert hall on one edge, and a lot of fountains, and an art museum kind of in the middle, causing there to be random modern sculptures to be strewn about the park. It was really very nice. While we were zipping through the park, we saw these four 9 or 10 year old boys, who, in Japanese said to each other, "You should say hello to her," her being me because as the gaijin (foreigner), I have an uncanny talent for standing out...[speaking of which, I was recently in a shopping mall. I realized, that though there were hundreds of people in there, I was quite possibly and probably the only non-Japanese--perhaps for miles--heh heh heh. It was a boggle. But back to the little boys] The next time Natsu and I passed, they all waved and screamed "HERRRRO!" (hello, in case you were wondering.) It was very funny and amusing...
I only brought 3 skirts to Japan, so I had to go and get a few more, which occurred at the mall where and when I had my boggle =)
Yesterday (Monday), I had 3 off periods and then, afterschool, was going to have another hour to myself to study, becaue Natsu and everyone else here next week has finals...I was invited to go to the badminton club, though, and since working hard and doing homework was getting old--and since I have really wanted to try out a lot of clubs, I went and tried it. 4 girls in my homeroom are in it, and it was so fun for all of us to try to explain, or in my case, figure out how the club worked and how to get proper badminton form with a limited vocabulary in either was hilarious, but not in a way that you can blog...
In chapel, I have a Japanese and English translation bible, so when they call the page number and verse, I can never get to it in time...but today it was meant to be! A minor victory...ish...also, I got to the hymn in time and was able to sing, though I still can't read hiragana fast enough for the prayers =) oh, hell.
In Japanese today, Kobayashi-sensei asked me kyo wa, asagohan wo tebemashtaka (what did you eat for breakfast?) It was really bad because it took me until after the 3 hours of lessons to remember...a very petty thing, but very bad...egads.
Also, today, although Natsu and I are in different classes, I joined her PE swimming class...I did one flip turn, and then the rest of the time, we (a bunch of girls) grabbed these floating bricks yuo can stand on and goofed off...ideal PE. I had to do a swim test at the end, though, but it was very easy for me to swim a 50 with flip turns. At the end, though, it was really funny...they all cheered and clapped when I was done...they are so sweet--I'm not special when I do the swim test, vs. if anyone else does it...
Right now, I don't have any pictures, and I'm kind of in a rush to finish--got to go! More later...
Thursday, September 6, 2007
first days and typhoons
Monday, September 3, 2007
Estoy aqui! errr, well, say that in Japanese, please.
First, I would like to offer my apologies for all those (the few) who actually read my blog and noticed that I haven@t, until now, updated it. My regrets.
My other apology: I am using a Japanese keyboard, and it is not meant for the Amrican user. Please do not let interesting use of spelling and punctuation deter you from reading.
Presumably, I have arrived in Tokyo...It was so hard to leave Austin, but after a plane movie and a flight to San Francisco, it was a lot easier to bear, I guess just because I was depending on bear, I guess just because I was depending on myself. Sorry for cliche-ness. I somehow made it to Tokyo (don:t ask me how- made it to Tokyo (don:t ask me how--I am pretty hopeless in airports) I met my host family, the Fukunagas, as well as the program head, Sakurai-sensei,and after 2 photos, we set off to their home. After about 3 hours in the car (following the 15 hours in the plane) I was exhausted. Completely. When we got their, I found out that I am sahring a room with my host sister Natsu...i was really worried at first, because their house is quite small, and I wasn]t sure if Iwas going to be able to unpack without completely taking over the room. means of a plastic bin and a spare desk and some closet space, all:s well that ends well. The next day was quite very exciting. I went to Natsu:s handball game via the trains exciting. I went to Natsu:s handball game via the trains, which are not really trains but subways above ground. Handball was really fun to watch, as the players will make these leaps into the air and simulataneously hurl this ball through the air in the attempt to make a goal. (Interesing & very cool fact* after a handball game, they teams bow to each other, then to the crowd, bow to each other, then to the crowd, to which you other, then to the crowd, to which you are supposed to say ありがとございました, or thank you.)
By the way, the one word took me multiple days to learn is ``douitashimashite`` which is `you:re welcome`. Literally about 7 people have pronounced it, spelled it, written it...yet somehow I always manage to mangle it. But--besiudes that, my stabs at the Japanese I do know have been successful. For the most part. =)
After that, we went to a Japanese market, rode the trains, but not in a way that you can record for the blog-reader`s purposes.
Ojiijan and obaasan (sp?), the Fukunaga family grandparents came for dinner, which was tempura veggies and shrimp. Very good. The grandparents didn`t speak a word of English (ok, the grandfather asked me, ‘You like curry?` but I@m not counting that.) so it was really fun though confusing to have a dinner conversation. They were very interested in American culture, and they thought it was a riot that my dad does the large majority of the cooking in our household at home. They were also very impressed with my chopstick skills. Beats me.
While I*m on the subject of dinner conversation: It is very typical to watch TV during meals here...lately, there has been an international track and field event in Osaka that just finished up. In case you were wondering.
Today was likewise really fun. Fukunaga-san and Fukunaga-san both were at work today, so Natsu and I rode the train to Fuchu and walked around that area. She first showed me the department store (read mall), and then we spotted おくにたまじんじゃ (Okunitama Jinja) which is a really amazing shrine, or grouping of them. This place was so nice and peaceful, which is really cool because in Japan, you have your markets in your department stores next to your shrines next to your houses next to your convenience store next to your factory next to your karaoke bar next to your train station next to your...well, I hope you get my idea. I was feeling ansty and touristy (like I always do *smirk*) and I took a bazillion pictures of this place, because it was just so beautiful. You don]t find this sort of thing in Texas. Inside (though still outside) there was a tree surrounded by a square-shaped laundry line sort of thing, covered in paper that had been knotted on it. Natsu explained to me that these were fortunes, and for 100 yen we each got one. We opened ours up, and they were the same (44 & 44). Apparently, this is a rare occurence, so we took a picture of us with the same fortune, tied one on, and brought one home to show her parents. We were in a picture taking mood, I suppose, so we went and I got my first ぷりくら、or purikura (sp?) with Natsu.Purikura are like vamped up photo a little tricky to explain, but they give you a different background for each one, and once you*re done making your random poses, you go to the side and decorate them like there:s no tomorrow.Via technology:s wonders, you insert sparkles and hearts and stars and write and decorate..then they print out very tiny and you cut them out and save them...
After that little excursion, we got lunch (ramen noodles with something...not quite sure ), and took the train we are now! We are resting for the afternoon, because we are really worn out from our hyper-active day (well, eventful, I guess, is appropriate) and because school starts tomorrow and Fukunaga-san want:s us to chill so we:ll have energy for tomorrow.I can:t wait for school...I am uber uber excited.
So, that:s all for now. A ton happens here, so I will try to keep you informed. =)
I‘m going to go continue reading the Great Gatsby.Nice book.
またね。 or maybe it:s まてね。